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Differences Telegram X and Telegram

Differences Telegram X and Telegram

Differences Telegram X and Telegram

Differences Telegram X and Telegram, this is indeed one of the most interesting messaging applications, because it offers various free features that users can enjoy. Telegram users must have experienced interesting features that are not available in other messenger applications such as Secret Chat features and Game Bots or Stickers.

But did you know that there are differences between Telegram X and regular Telegram? For those of you who have been using the regular version for a long time, it doesn't hurt to try to use the X version, who knows you prefer to use this one.

Do you know that Telegram X that we are discussing is an official application released on the Google Play Store since May 2015. With an application size that is not much different from the previous application, this latest application has several differences from Telegram and there are even some features that are not. is on regular Telegram.

Some of the features we mean here will not reduce the usefulness and main function of Telegram, namely as a medium for exchanging messages online. Immediately, we will tell you some of the differences between Telegram X and Regular Telegram in brief.

Difference between Telegram X and Telegram

Although the names of the two applications have similarities, each of these applications also has some differences that you should know. Later on, you can take this difference into consideration when choosing one of the two applications for you to use.

Chat Themes

The themes available by Telegram, which is version X here, are more varied, aka more colors are offered. Among them are classic, blue, red, orange, green and there are several other colors. Whereas in regular Telegram, you can only be given a few choices, namely standard, mono, dark and arctic blue.

For those of you who like varied colors, Telegram version X has a more appropriate choice because Telegram version X offers more choices of chat themes. As we all know, the chat theme affects the comfort level and whether or not we feel comfortable sending messages. But if you prefer the ordinary, you can choose the regular Telegram. Choose what makes you comfortable and like.

But in addition to the themes we have mentioned above, it turns out that you can also create your own themes according to the colors you want, both on Telegram X and on regular Telegram. Although the way to make it is a little complicated, for those of you who will use regular Telegram or Telegram X but don't like the colors mentioned earlier, you can create a theme according to the color you want. Interesting isn't it?

Menu in Call on Main Page

One of the most striking differences between Telegram X and regular Telegram is the Call menu. For those of you who have been using Telegram for a long time, you must already know that the Call menu is located on the three-line icon, aka the menu. But in Telegram X, you can see a list of Calls or calls on the home page. you just need to swipe left or click the Calls menu to the right of Chats.

Free Customization

The advantage of Telegram X compared to the regular version is that you can be free to customize the appearance of the Telegram X. Some examples of X version applications that you can customize are bubble colors, message indicators, and boundaries between chat rooms.

you can take advantage of the advantages of telegram X by going to the settings menu -> theme & chat options. In addition, you can also change the existing emoji into Google, Apple, or Microsoft versions.

Fill in the menu in the three-line icon

The menu lists on the two are quite different. The difference is quite significant. If you can find many menus in regular applications such as New Secret Chat and New Chanel, then those menus do not exist in the X version of the application.

On the other hand, you can find the Night Mode option in the Telegram X menu which is not in the regular Telegram menu. So in the X version of the application, you can immediately activate the night mode in the menu or 3 lines icon, while in the regular application you have to enter the settings menu.

Language options provided

The sad news is, in Telegram version X, there is no Indonesian language option. The default language offered is Malay with several other language options such as English, French and German. So for those of you who don't understand Malay or English, you might prefer regular Telegram because there is an option to use Indonesian.

Interface Display

The difference between ordinary Telegram and Telegram X is in the interface. The use of telegram X is also fresher because of its appearance.

Dual Tabs. The appearance of the X version of the application looks much more comfortable, especially on the Chat & call menu. The reason is that it looks more attractive and looks almost similar to the appearance on WhatsApp beforem was acquired by Facebokk.

hamburger menu. In the appearance of the application, the X version looks simpler and more varied. Because you can directly access 2 menus that are often used, namely dark mode and Xy proversion.

Bubble Free Chat. As explained earlier that the appearance of the X version of the application is free of bubbles. So that it makes users more comfortable and at a glance it looks more like a regular timeline view than a chat application.

More interesting themes. The usefulness of the X version of the application has proven to have many advantages over the other applications. In the theme menu, for example, you can join several channels to get a new theme.

Peek at messages without opening them

There's one more difference between Telegram X and Telegram that you really need to know. In this messaging app, you can peek at messages without opening them.

The way is quite young. you just long click on the chat you want to peek and the contents of the chat will automatically come out. You can't enjoy this feature on regular Telegram, so maybe for those of you who want to experience this feature, you should use Telegram version X.

Speed ​​and battery usage

And this is the difference between Telegram X and regular Telegram that you need to know. Many posts say that the X version of the application is faster and uses less battery power, aka more efficient than the usual application. This was also stated directly on the official Telegram blog, which you can read here.


The difference between the two applications further lies in which animation is smoother. When compared to ordinary Telegram, the animations available in the X version of the application will feel smoother.

The reason is that the X version of the application uses smoother motion so that it produces smoother animations. The difference between Telegram and Telegram X in this animation causes Telegram users to prefer the X version of the application.

App Size

Unlike other social media applications that provide 2 versions with much different sizes. For example, in other messaging applications, which have an original version and a lite version. So that users with potato phones can choose to download the lite version to fit on their phones.

It's different with Telegram which has an application size that is not much different. The reason is that the regular telegram size is smaller when compared to the X version.

But our advice here is to download the telegram application, the size of the application cannot be a benchmark. you can consider more about the function of telegram X itself.

No Bubble

Although this application is quite old but there are many Telegram users who do not know about the difference between the two applications. However, after reading this article, you will understand the difference between telegram and telegram X.

Well, the difference lies in the bubble chat column which is only available on Telegram X. If you are annoyed with the bubble that contains messages in the Telegram chat, then you can use the regular version of Telegram.

Night Mode

Telegram X functions include the presence of a night mode in both applications. In the X version of the application you can change the night mode directly through the main page. In addition, you can also change the display to night mode at any time by pressing the three line icon.

While on a regular telegram, you can change the display to night mode manually or automatically. But how to change it is quite complicated because you have to go to the settings menu first.

Featured Features

In fact, the X version of the application almost has all the features of a regular application. But unfortunately there are some excellent features that are not available in the X version of the application but are available in regular applications.

Differences Telegram X and Telegram. Some of the excellent features found in Telegram X include a bubble-free mode as described above. Then the second excellent feature is the sliding function that makes it easy for users to switch windows. And the last one is tap and hold so you can open messages without having to open them.

If you want to download this short messaging application, it's easy. You can go directly to the official website or on the Google Play Store, for the Android version. You can also directly click on Download Telegram App.

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